A Very Gideon Birthday Party, part 1

So…the party.

It was a super-fun compilation of pure unadulterated five-year old random birthdayness, aptly themed “Gideon”. I chose this particular theme when I asked Gid the Kid what kind of cake he wanted this year and his response was “a chocolate fire-breathing dragon Buzz Lightyear cake”.

I am wired to work around themes, so this threw me. “That doesn’t match, Gideon.” I responded in my head, even as I started trying to piece together a birthday party that would include all of the things my son most loves…

Dinosaurs. Dragons. Army-men. Buzz Lightyear. Balloons. Chocolate. Mustaches. Dress-up clothes. “Batinos with buhwava” (remember? volcanos with lava). Soccer. Root Beer.

And the following party happened (much of it inspired by Pinterest) and I loved every. single. thing. about it.

Because it did match something…


I felt extremely guilty when I asked my husband and family friend to haul our kitchen buffet to the shed, but...what an awesome backdrop.

store-bought cookies sandwiched with sprinkle-laden icing and topped with a handmade felt flag

Gideon's army-men, the perfect cupcake-toppers for two reasons: 1. EASY. 2. Free. Oh...and who better to guard the dessert table?

ice cream sandwiches rolled in sprinkles - these were snatched up like hotcakes.

this precious hanging board has found its way to every one of Gideon's birthday parties, as has the "Happy Birthday" banner that I made for him 5 years ago.

also on the dessert menu, chocolate-dipped S'mores and mini marshmallows dipped in chocolate and topped with an M&M (my Mom and I were sick of making those by the 5th marshmallow - too tedious, no matter how cute they were!)

Mama is not a professional baker, so the minute he asked for a Buzz Lightyear cake, I decided that Buzz Lightyear could HOLD the cake I make for him every year - chocolate with an M&M number on top. Mrs. Gore, you are SO clever!

and the dessert especially crafted for Gideon, chocolate volcano cakes made by my extremely talented friend, Tammy. We threw a couple of Gid's favorite dinosaurs on the plate at the last minute, and he adored the finished product. Thank you Tammy!!

we started the party with a rousing and chaotic game of kickball, hosted by Uncle Jerry...

and the birthday boy smiled and ran the entire time.

even Miss Sunday gave it a try!

Baby Betsie and her Grandpa spent most of the party together - so sweet!


There will be more birthday fun to come…stay tuned!


Several of the photos were taken by my sister-in-law Amy, who always contributes her photog skills during parties to free up the Mama…thanks, as always, Amy!

4 thoughts on “A Very Gideon Birthday Party, part 1

  1. I LOVE all of this! When I have kids I will be getting in touch with you for ideas, or do you think you’d mind coming to wherever I am to be my party planner?? Your kids are so blessed to have a mom like you!

    • such nice things to hear! Thank you. And my best advice is to start buying things now – I started buying vintage blocks and books and wooden toys and party cake stands well before I had kids. Now I have pretty things I can pull out for every party without spending a fortune! And maybe if you would move back to Beggs after seminary, I just would plan all of your parties!! 🙂

  2. This is AMAZING! It’s exactly the inspiration I needed for my superhero, race car, basketball, dirt digging loving 4 yr old! I also LOVE your Happy Birthday banner, how did you make it?

    • I’m SO sorry! I just came across your comment and had not idea that you shared it last August! 🙂
      First of all, thank you! And secondly, for the banner, I purchased the wooden letters at Hobby Lobby, traced them onto different pieces of fabric, cut out the fabric, hot-glued it onto the letter and then used ric-rac to loop it all together. It was pretty simple, and continues to last!

      Thanks for you comment, and sorry I was so tardy in replying!

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